Host our breeding dogs

What is a Guardian Home?

Our breeding program is designed around our ability to utilize guardian homes for some of our priceless breeding dogs. Only so many dogs can fit in our loving arms and home. This is where you come in.

A guardian home is a highly valued, local family who is a forever home for one of the dogs in our breeding program. Guardian homes allow our “pick of the litter” pups to live their best life possible with families (not in kennels) as our program grows. It’s a win/win/win for you, the dog, and us.

We also have some of our mature moms that still have a few litters to go looking for the same opportunit.These moms are crate trained, potty trained, leash trained, know basic commands and altogether lovable.

Doodle Puppy Grooming Guide

Guardian Home Requirements

  • Families must have a physically fenced in yard or portion of the yard (or be willing to put up a fence)

  • No other intact dogs in the home

  • Our dogs are valued family members that will be living indoors

  • Keeping up with grooming and health care is a must

  • We prefer families that work from home or have a flexible schedule to spend time with the dogs so they are not unattended most parts of the week

  • Families must be available to transport dog to and from our home in Galt or to a reproduction vet as needed for breeding purposes

  • Families must be willing to do some formal training with their dog


Product Quality Index


Energy Generation

Interested in Becoming a Guardian Home?

If you’re interested in applying, please message us and we’ll happily set up a time to chat!

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us!