Frankie and Loki are expecting their first little bundle of fluff. She is due 1/16 and puppies will be going home mid March. We are expecting these possible colors black, red, tuxedo and black phantom. Our size estimate is 8 to 10 pounds. This Litter will be small so there’s only a few spots open.
Join us in welcoming Mochi and Loki’s “ Kung Fu Panda ” litter. These sweet miniature Schnockerpoos were born on 11/14/24. Average size will be around 12-16 lbs. Let me introduce our available boy Po These adorable little panda bears go home 1/9/25. This litter has one spot open, place your deposit of $500
Join us in welcoming Shasta and Teddy’s “ Winter Fling ” litter. These sweet miniature Schnoodles were born on 11/15/24. Average size will be around 12-15 lbs. Let me introduce our available little girl Snow . These adorable little warm nugget are 8 weeks old on 1/10/25. This litter has one puppy LEFT AT
Cavi and Teddy are expecting their first litter together of F1b Miniature Cavapoos 15-20lbs estimated to go home February/March. This Litter is closed at this time. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Birdie and Loki’s “Tree of Life🌳”litter has two females available . These beautiful small standard Schnoodles were born on 3/1/24. Estimated size 25-35 lbs., going home 4/26/24. Place your deposits of $500 to reserve your FURever friend. We are looking forward to you meeting them. Please reach out if you have any questions.
This is Burke from Rio and Milo’s litter. Estimated size 13-16lbs born 3/11/24, BROWN & WHITE and ready now. He is back available, for his family had an Emergency before they were able to pick him up. They were so saddened to have to pass however one lucky person/family will become his soon, is that
Jovie and Reddington will be expecting a litter of Cavapoo estimated to be between 15-25 lbs going home some time around February/March. Some of the color possibilities will be red and white parti, black and white parti and some may have possible phantom markings. This is going to be a unique and beautiful litter. Jovie
Sage and Loki’s “A Thoughtful Word for the New Year” litter. These beautiful parti first generation Schnoodles were born on 11/27/23. Humble Harry is still awaiting his humans… IS THAT YOU? These furbabies are up to date on vaccines and deworming treatments. A deposit of $500 will reserve your spot of your FURever friend. We
Bandit loves to travel, has been on long trips out of state, enjoys going on buggy rides, is competitive in sports and can run and jump in her daddies arms which is very impressive. She is very loving and has a great temperament. •Coloring is Blue Merle• Weighing in at 18lbs• Has created beautiful blue,
Loki is a beautiful parti Miniature Schnauzer weighing in at 11 lbs. He is extremely loving and affectionate, very calm around guests, travels well, enjoys playing outside and receiving all the love he can get. This guy sires some of our beautiful Schnoodle litters and our Schnockerpoo litters.